About Us
Gone are the days of combing through Excel files of flat data and comparing performance of one bank to another. With Visbanking, you will visualize the latest data on all banks across the United States. You will receive the latest updates each quarter to ensure you are on top of the latest developments across the banking industry.
Our CEO Brian Pillmore did not have a good “heads-up display” of all competitors in the market. That’s why he founded Visbanking.
In his words: “I knew there must be a better way. Like all good stories, Visbanking’s history began with a challenge.
Before launching the company, I was engaged in a consulting project for a regional bank that involved gathering vital banking information and delivering it in an accessible and understandable format.
A month into the project, the bank’s leadership changed. The project was ended as the new management decided to go in a different direction. The new leader of this bank refused to pay for the work that had already been completed. The refusal to pay was disappointing and challenging.
I recognized that the lemons he was being handed could be turned into lemonade.
In my past role as President and Regional CEO of a bank, I had spent significant time trying to win new business from my competitors.
I recognized the need for accessible banking information about those rivals.
I realized that the experience I had gained could be leveraged to form the foundation for a service that could be provided to every bank across the United States.
I began working on what would soon become Visbanking.”
So that’s how Brian with his team have created the largest source of information on the banks in the US.
Visbanking’s service provides clear data transparency. Our company is priced affordably (<$2,500/yr) with integrated data that provides critical insights and also, customizable “do it for me” reporting supplemented with timely sources.
Better Visualizations
All the information is visualized clearly and in an easy way. Support your business decisions with tables and graphs that will add value to your strategies.
Simplified Bank Comparison
Assess comparative performance, economic indicators, trends and more.
Macro View of Industry
Quickly assess the other banks in different geographies, define a market and measure the market share from banks in that market.
Do It For Me Approach
Saves time for busy professionals, have access to more than 50 customized data visualizations and reports.
Executive Team
Brian Pillmore | CEO
Founder & CEO at Visbanking. Brian has a bachelor’s degree in Science and Computer Engineering from the Virginia Tech.
He has worked with companies such as General Electrics, Wells Fargo and UMB Bank.
You can find him in his linkedin: Brian Pillmore
Alex Lopez | Public Relations
He’s the man in charge of our public relations. Alejandro has a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication and Journalism from the Externado University in Bogotá, Colombia.
He has worked with companies such as Scotiabank, McCANN Worldgroup Colombia and CalkinsPR.
You can find him in his linkedin profile: Alex Lopez
Eda Mamus | Consulting Services Leader
She’s the consulting services leader of our company since 2022. Eda has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi in Istanbul, Turkey. Additionally, she has another bachelor’s degree in International Trade and Business from the same university.
You can find her in her linkedin profile: Eda Mamus
Tufan Bostan | Lead Data Master
He’s the Lead Data Master of our company since 2022. Tufan has a bachelor’s degree in Statistics from Eskişehir Teknik Üniversites in Tepebaşı, Eskişehir, Turkey.
You can find him in his linkedin profile: Tufan Bostan
Uğur Dar | Lead Data Scientist
He’s our Lead Data Scientist since 2021. Uğur has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and another one in Statistics from Eskişehir Teknik Üniversites from Tepebaşı, Eskişehir, Turkey. Furthermore in 2021 he ended his MS in Statistics, also in Eskişehir Teknik Üniversites.
You can find him in his linkedin profile: Uğur Dar
Maikel Alvarez | Sales Representative
He’s our Sales Representative since 2021. Maikel has a bachelor’s degree in Economy from the Central University in Bogotá, Colombia. Also he has a postgraduate degree in Finance and Financial Management from the Militar University Nueva Granada.
He has worked with companies such as Bancolombia, QuickLets and Advanced Products.
You can find him in his linkedin profile: Maikel Alvarez
Press Releases
Visbanking Announces Release of “fdicdata” Open Source Package
Oklahoma City, OK – Visbanking, a leading provider of bank information services, today announced the release of their open source package “fdicdata” for the R programming language. The package has been accepted by CRAN, the comprehensive R Archive Network, and is now available for download.
The “fdicdata” package provides functions for accessing the BankFind Suite API provided by the FDIC, allowing development teams to leverage the powerful R programming language while working with data on the approximately 4,800 banks in the United States. This package will help the technology teams at our customers and the banking community to better utilize data on all banks in the United States.
“We are excited to contribute to the community with this package and provide it free of charge to everyone,” said Brian Pillmore, Founder of Visbanking. “Our team, led by Ugur Dar, has worked hard to create a package that provides access to important data and tools that can help developers in the banking industry to build better models and make more informed decisions. We believe that this open source development will have a significant impact on the industry and we are thrilled to be a part of it.”
The “fdicdata” package is available for download from CRAN and GitHub. Visbanking encourages the banking community and R developers to download and use the package and provide feedback to help improve its functionality.
Product Information
We are banks visualized.
Easily visualized, affordable US Bank industry data at the click of a button.
Billed Monthly | Billled Yearly | Enterprise |
$499/mo | $319/mo | Customized |
Key Features Financials & performance Peer benchmarks Legal entity structure Organization charts | Key Features Financials & performance Peer benchmarks Legal entity structure Organization charts | All Premium Features Access to Raw Data Data in Your Data Warehouse Custom Visualizations Bespoke Consulting |

Contact information for media inquiries
Alex Lopez
Alejandro Aquitte Lima