by Brian Pillmore | Feb 1, 2023 | Brian's Blog
Who decided we should throw that out the window when it comes to software?? I see it way too often with banks and financial services… They have a perfectly fine tech stack that isn’t even being used to its full capabilities yet.Then they see a new software with 1 or 2...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 31, 2023 | Brian's Blog
Every piece of your stack MUST have a reason why it is the best option for its primary users. I once worked with a community bank that decided to go with 1 company for their full tech stack. At first glance, it sounds like a good, convenient, and practical...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 30, 2023 | Brian's Blog, Uncategorized
This is a slippery slope. ChatGPT, in most cases, won’t be found to have “stolen” the work but rather “learned from” the work. It is similar to how we learn – training the neurons and synapses to fire in certain patterns based on...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 30, 2023 | Brian's Blog
90% of my decision on a new bank came down to 1 thing: The App. Believe it or not,This is a BIG deal for the future of banking. Because I’m not the only person making their decision this way – A LOT of people are.And those numbers are only going up. There’s...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 27, 2023 | Brian's Blog
I’ve heard a number of people say yes.Let’s look at why they aren’t. First and foremost,Raising interest rates is a costly way for the government to fund itself. In fact,The government recently hit its debt ceiling, largely thanks to these higher interest rates.The...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 25, 2023 | Brian's Blog
Are you trying to capture as much of your customer’s wallet as possible? Or are you focused on capturing the pieces of the wallet that you can best deliver on? When you try to capture as much as possible from your customers,You end up trying to be all things to all...