by Brian Pillmore | Feb 1, 2023 | Brian's Blog
Who decided we should throw that out the window when it comes to software?? I see it way too often with banks and financial services… They have a perfectly fine tech stack that isn’t even being used to its full capabilities yet.Then they see a new software with 1 or 2...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 31, 2023 | Brian's Blog
Every piece of your stack MUST have a reason why it is the best option for its primary users. I once worked with a community bank that decided to go with 1 company for their full tech stack. At first glance, it sounds like a good, convenient, and practical...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 30, 2023 | Brian's Blog, Uncategorized
This is a slippery slope. ChatGPT, in most cases, won’t be found to have “stolen” the work but rather “learned from” the work. It is similar to how we learn – training the neurons and synapses to fire in certain patterns based on...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 30, 2023 | Brian's Blog
90% of my decision on a new bank came down to 1 thing: The App. Believe it or not,This is a BIG deal for the future of banking. Because I’m not the only person making their decision this way – A LOT of people are.And those numbers are only going up. There’s...
by Brian Pillmore | Jan 27, 2023 | Brian's Blog
I’ve heard a number of people say yes.Let’s look at why they aren’t. First and foremost,Raising interest rates is a costly way for the government to fund itself. In fact,The government recently hit its debt ceiling, largely thanks to these higher interest rates.The...